Easy Palpayasam (Kheer)

Milk-2 1/4 ltr
Water- 2 1/2 ltr
Milkmaid-1 tin
Broken Brown Rice-1 cup
Sugar- 350 gms
Cardamom- as required
Salt-a pinch


  • Clean the rice in water and slightly roast the same in ghee.
  • Boil together Milk and Water in a big tumbler.
  • When it is reduced to little, then add the rice and cook it.
  • When the rice is done, the nadd the milkmaid and sugar and stir it constantly.
  • Add a pinch of salt to this.
  • When the mixture becomes little thick,then add cardamom powder.
Note: If milk maid is not there, then add only 1 3/4 ltrs of water and increase the sugar to 450 gms.
If you need more milk to loosen it, then you can add boiled milk to the kheer.