Quick & Simple Banana Dip ( Spread)

Fresh Cream-1 cup
Banana -1
Sugar-2 tbsp
Vanilla Essence-1 tsp


  • With a beater/blender you can mix together fresh cream & Sugar.
  • Cut the Bananas into slices and blend it with the cream. 
  • Add Vanilla essence and serve cold.
  • You can have it with Bread & Chappattis.
I use fresh cream made at home. To make fresh cream at home is very easy. You boil milk daily, so after refrigerating it, you will find a hard thick cream on top. You need to collect that and store in the freezer. And when you need fresh cream for any purpose, you can keep it outside for 1 hr so that it becomes softer.
After making the Banana dip, please keep it refrigerated as it will start melting.